The department of Electrical Engineering was established in 1946 offering B. Tech course (Electrical and Electronics Engineering) with an intake of 30 students, which was enhanced to 50 in the year 1995 and subsequently to 60 in the year 2009. In 1946 the college was established at Guindy, Chennai and was shifted to Anantapur in 1948. The Electrical Engineering department offers various M. Tech programs. M. Tech, with specialization in “Electrical Power Systems” was started in the year 1971 with an intake of 25. Power and Industrial Drives was started in the year 2001 with an intake of 25 and Control Systems also started in the year 2001 with an intake of 25. The department also offers Part time Post graduation program M. Tech (PTPG) with an intake of 25 for working people in the APCPDCL, APTRANSCO, etc., The department is having research facilities for Ph. D Programme in Electrical Engineering Discipline.
The students are provided good computing and internet facilities. The department library has 350 volumes and 01 journal. There are 56 learning resources (NPTEL Videos) in the form of CDs. The department has well equipped laboratories including various software packages.The major laboratories in the department are Electrical Machines Lab, Electrical Power Systems Lab, Power Electronics Lab, Electrical Measurements Lab, Networks Lab, Control Systems Lab and Computer simulation Labs. Latest hardware equipment and several software packages have been purchased for carrying out research work by students and faculty.
The priority research areas for research are Electrical Power Systems, Power Electronics, Industrial Drives, Reliability Engineering and Control Systems. The teachers also participate in academic and personal counseling of the students. The teachers of the department received many awards in National and State level by the State Government and various societies.
The alumni of the department are occupying distinguished positions in reputed organizations both in Government and Private Sectors. And often contribute in the development activities of the department.
The department maintains Power House for the entire university and college to supply electrical power. The department also has MoU with the PRDC, Bangalore.